Gregg Dechert, (Ontario, Canada)- ex keyboard player for Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep, Bad Company, Feather wheel, Dream academy
“Anjael is totally crazy; personally I think he is one of the most versatile guitar players and musicians I’ve ever come across in over 37 years of playing music.
He has a mean pair of lungs and boy can he sing.
Anjael is perfectly behaved in the studio and is extremely professional with his work and music, he knows exactly what he wants to get done. He has a most uncanny sense of melodically oriented ideas and can hold in with the best.
I am delighted that we are friends, colleagues and that we have worked together on this album and various projects.
I look forward to always performing together.
Ontario is proud of you."
Allan Castillo, (Costa Rica) - Professional lead guitarist for Costa Rican heavy metal youth group Overdrive, States -
“I first met Anjael, my spiritual mentor as well as maestro.el musika in 2007 when he was visiting for conducting seminars at downtown San Jose (Costa Rica).
His guitaring just blew us all away. We couldn’t believe we were hearing a world class musician right in front of our eyes.
I was always impressed by Yngwie Malsteem, John Norum, and others growing up, and here this man was, so extremely friendly, open hearted and cracking jokes and putting all us musicians to shame. He played the drums where we couldn’t follow the beat, he played the bass where we lost time and then he sang songs from deep purple and whoa! We were blown away.
Anjael is really like an angelic soul, who helps and guides many people back to God and truth. He has been very severely hurt & cheated and we know this, I have seen him cry alone and I have experienced his true heart, how he always keeps his promise and his music has to be heard to experience it deeply.
It’s not like our modern music and dance stuff but he's a serious performer, I have full faith in him, God and the spirit. The funny thing is how he plays with no plectrum and manages to play faster then we do! Exceptional Spanish style of playing with his Mid Eastern roots made even Spanish musicians wonder.
He is my elder brother, music and spiritual mentor, a wonderful human being and exceptional musician whose singing and guitar skill is one of the best we’ve ever heard and after Yngwie and John Norum, for us it's surely Anjael. We are waiting for him to come back and perform for all of us in Costa Rica!"
- Allan
Bernard Vickenstien (Ex Dutch rock drummer & Musician) & Mrs.Linda Straeder Vickenstien
Bernard states –
I have been smiling when I first
heard his album as I had difficulty in figuring
out how so many different subtle essences
of singers like Peter Gabriel, bob Marley,
foreigner, journey, bad company, deep purple,
uriah heep was coming through in various songs
and no song matches the other. Great voice and
awesome moody guitar playing and very deep
song writing & lyrics. Its very fresh to hear a full
serious professional musician reaching his best
with his blessed music.
Linda states-
The first impression I had when I
heard his cd and closed my eyes was this music
was “Anointed” and then listening to the words
carefully I realized I am right and the message
needs to be wide spread. May almighty God
bless this beautiful soul left to fend for himself
alone and made to suffer for other people’s
cruelty and yet he always smiles. |
Elaine Von Trink Quane Crilly (Ontario, Canada)-
ex concert classical pianist / school teacher:-
"When I first saw him at a local pub playing air guitar, I thought he was a flake... but after he was invited to jam he just silenced me completely in awe and respect. 1 year has past and I have become a permanent fan of him, his music and his vivacious personality.
It’s been my honor to know a musician of such rare class and heritage.
He switches effortlessly between old world Django Reinhardt style and then onto his own Mid Eastern Gypsy music or flamenco and blues, rock, jazz or baroque... he does it all with his own flair and ease.
I have been a trained concert pianist and can vouch his dynamics are way beyond anything I’ve ever heard, honestly. What angelic touch - he makes Canada very proud and may he receive his dues... it’s high time.
I have been with him in his moments of low tides, his sacrifices made for walking with truth and God, his pains caused by deceiving souls and his victories too. As a human being I have seen him very closely through his usual façade of loud dry humor and bohemian social curtsies to reveal a dynamic handsome young man with his Eurasian good looks, filled with the spirit of God and goodness and ever so helpful. I've tasted his fine cooking and hospitality and I wish him the very best of this journey, may his music be appreciated and understood and respected.- We love you Anjael and cant wait to see you perform again soon"
- Elaine
Hans Langedyk (Ontario, Canada) – Professional singer / musician with the touring Northern Ontario rock outfit- Dirty Mack -
"Anjael is surely a great hit with all those who understand, seek and want serious quality music, real classic rock or fusion jazz acoustics. I've not seen anyone else play so fast with just fingers on the guitar! I don’t know how he does it, but shit he does!
We will perform together one of these days.
From one leo to the other – Anjael is a sure pride of our lion stock."
- Hans
David Opperman – Sound reinforcement, bass guitar player (Ontario,Canada) – whoseyourdaddy
"I think there is something wrong with him... how can he manage to play so well? Beats my head... and he is so warm and affectionate as an human being and such a good soul, yet such a high class musician with no ego trips.
I am sorry for him being a victim of various dirty politics, but proud of him fighting and trying to win ….I'm with you buddy"
- Dave
Michael Nyman - Gigging guitarist& singer (The Bruce County
Rattlers - Ontario)
Amazing …brilliant and its awesome to hear
someone who knows how to play the guitar and
sing. Another artistic leo in the world and boy
are we proud of Anjael “: The man with the blue
face” My favorite song being number 3J.
I cannot know what hardships he has to face but,
do wish and pray for him to succeed.
Patrick LaFrenere -
Guitar player
Holy Crap!
Brilliant powerful and solid performer will last a
lifetime. Anjael is simply a specialist at what he
does and it’s so wonderful, for the very 1st time
in my life I’ve met someone who plays exactly
what I have & hear inside my head but can’t do.
I love to hear him sing and hit those 5 octave
high notes and never stop being amazed how he
plays the guitar in his unique style. I am with
him to show him my support for his message to
us all and also may he be united with his true love and never bow down to the dirty evils of
the deceivers who separated him from his love. |
Matthew Whale– Pro keyboard session player (Ontario,Canada) – Negus (formally Saga)
Says -
"I surely would love to play with his category and class of musician.
I have been missing such an accomplished guitarist and singer and his compositions are so well structured …great work buddy keep on fighting, cheers"
Stephen Telehus - Bass guitar player, guitarist and music lover- Bass guitarist for Hebron Projects –
"He has some mean wicked chops for sure!
Very few would ever play the timings he plays in LOL.
A very caring warm hearted person no doubts to it.
Cheers & thanks buddy."
Geoff Sharp (Aberdeenshire - UK) - Guitarist and songwriter (solo projects) and lead guitar and creative input for Hoodoo Zephyr -
Allan Reimer – Bassist & African Djembe drummer (BC & Ontario, Canada)
Daniel Mccann – Guitarist & Singer (Ontario, Canada)

The Great guitar player the late Shawn Lane expressed, when he met Anjael while touring the Asian continent 2002-2003:
'I wish I could have known you before so that we would have worked together. What an amazingly powerful, rich voice. amazing guitar skills and one of the best masters of rhythm timings. A natural jazz fusion soul - our genre matches so similarly. I wish you get your dues, see you soon.'
Shawn Lane succumbed to his ilness in 2003 back home in USA. (May Lord keep you safe.)